So for over a year now I've been pretty much living-dead or asleep. I'm working on the former now by trying to get back into fandom (lifeline that it is) as well as real life...yeah, need to try a bit harder there >_>
My lobster-love (Friends as well as Q.I. ref fyi) is due back from across the pond on the 20th so here's what I need to do:
- de-cat-hair the entire apartment (yes, we have a cat even though my love is allergic - more accurately the cat has us -nofucksgiven-)
- grow a pair (of ovaries) and actually go speak to someone at the uni about next year/poss of coming back from suspended studies
- blog some more 'cause it's better than sleeping all day
- actually post up/do some art. I have a dev account damn it; I shouldn't be afraid to use it!
- buy more milk (this is essential to my existence k?)
- get some new glasses. I have mourned the loss (literally) of my last pair enough :(
- phone a friend (while I still can say I have I still have them I -STOPSSELF-)
- go to library and swap out books for the next ones in the Ladies' No.1 Detective Agency series
- write something I've wanted/needed to and DON'T EDIT FOR 24hrs FOR THE LOVE OF!_! (otherwise I'll stress myself into a depressive slump again knothankx)
Right. Get started then?
My lobster-love (Friends as well as Q.I. ref fyi) is due back from across the pond on the 20th so here's what I need to do:
- de-cat-hair the entire apartment (yes, we have a cat even though my love is allergic - more accurately the cat has us -nofucksgiven-)
- grow a pair (of ovaries) and actually go speak to someone at the uni about next year/poss of coming back from suspended studies
- blog some more 'cause it's better than sleeping all day
- actually post up/do some art. I have a dev account damn it; I shouldn't be afraid to use it!
- buy more milk (this is essential to my existence k?)
- get some new glasses. I have mourned the loss (literally) of my last pair enough :(
- phone a friend (while I still can say I have I still have them I -STOPSSELF-)
- go to library and swap out books for the next ones in the Ladies' No.1 Detective Agency series
- write something I've wanted/needed to and DON'T EDIT FOR 24hrs FOR THE LOVE OF!_! (otherwise I'll stress myself into a depressive slump again knothankx)
Right. Get started then?